This eAssembly also contains “IBM SPSS Statistics Data File Drivers”.

Manuals in PDF form are available in separate eImages for each language. Installation instructions for all platforms and all languages are contained in a single eImage. You should now be able to launch and use the main application without issue.Includes installation instructions for all supported platforms for single user installation, site license installation and administration, network license (concurrent license) installation and administration, and data access pack installation (for database access). Click Finish in the bottom righthand corner of the dialog. Your copy of SPSS or Amos has now been successfully licensed for use. Once you receive the Successfully processed all codes message, click Next. If not, click the back button and re-enter the Authorization Code.

On the next screen of the wizard, you should receive a Successfully processed all codes message in green text. Cutting and pasting the proper code directly from the text file provided is recommended. There is different Authorization Codes for SPSS Premium and Amos. Make sure that it is entered exactly as provided, and is the license code for the product you currently want to authorize. Click the Next button.Įnter the Authorization Code provided to you in the text box. Make sure that the License my product now radio button is selected. Click the Next button in the bottom righthand corner of the wizard to continue. Once the application launches, you will see a listing of all the licenses currently authorized. Please note that your machine must be connected to the Internet to apply your Authorization Code.

For Macs, make sure the application is run from an account with administrative privileges. On Windows, right-click the application icon and select Run as administrator. Locate the application in the SPSS folder in either the Start Menu or Start Screen in Windows or the Applications folder on Mac OS X. The IBM SPSS License Authorization Wizard can be found in the main product folder of either SPSS Statistics or SPSS Amos. Luckily, IBM provides a support application with each installation that makes this task simple. Either due to installation issues, licensing changes, or technical problems, it is sometimes necessary to reapply the Authorization Code for your SPSS or SPSS Amos installation.